Haryana Public Service Commission is recruiting Assistant Town Planners for 20 vacant posts. The recruitment Process will be held via a written competitive exam and a personal interview. In this article, we are sharing the exam pattern and syllabus of HPSC ATP 2024 Recruitment.

Candidates who have applied for the HPSC Assistant Town Planner 2023 are now probably thinking about preparing for the recruitment exam. The first concern should be the Exam Pattern and Syllabus. To familiarise yourself with the exam a candidate gets a basic idea about the preparation strategy to crack this exam and get a prestigious job in the Haryana Government.
keeping this in mind we are sharing this article to help you to understand all about the exam pattern, number of questions, marking system, time duration and all other things. Most important is the syllabus by which you can make a map for your preparation from now.
As you know application window has been opened for 2nd time with the increased number of posts for this recruitment. You may have enough time to prepare.
If you want to study very thoroughly and are very serious about this recruitment, then you should prepare in a very systematic manner under expert guidance.
You can JOIN OUR PREPARATION BATCH for HPSC Assistant Town Planner. In this preparation batch you will get all the preparation guidance as well as video lectures on each topic, study material and test series. Doubt solving session will also connected as per your need.
For more details, you can Call / WhatsApp to our counsellor via this number –
9560252666 (CLICK to CALL NOW)
HPSC Assitant Town Planner 2023 – Syllabus (Expected)
We are sharing the expected syllabus of the HPSC assistant town Planner vacancy in 2023 based on the previous vacancy for the same post in 2019.
Topic | Details |
1. MATERIALS AND PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION: | Site Development and Layouts, Principles on of Service Lines and Networks. |
2. STATISTICAL METHOD-I | Data Presentation, Statistical Methods, Correlation Probability |
3. SURVEYING, PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND PHOTOGRAPHY | Traversing And Plain Table Surveying. |
4. APPLIED GEOLOGY | Earthquake, Selection of Site and Foundations, Ground Water |
6. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING AND APPLICATIONS-1 | Introduction, Flow Charts, Other Packages, Word Processing Package and its Application. |
7. PLANNING THEORY-I | Concept Formation and Perception of Space, What is Planning, Physical Planning, Process of Planning, Plan Preparation and Implementation Agencies. |
8. TECHNIQUES OF PLANNING-I | Techniques of Preparing Base Maps, Physical Surveys |
9. ECOLOGY AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT | Ecosystem and its Relevance to Environment, Environmental Impact Studies. |
10. TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION PLANNING-I | Urbanisation and Transport Problem, Urban and Regional Road Design, Surveys and Studies, Geometric Design of Roads and intersections, Traffic Management. |
11. PLANNING THEORY –II | Urban Structure and Growth, Land Use Planning, Types of Planning, Principles of Regional Planning, Regional Planning in India. |
12. TECHNIQUES OF PLANNING – II | Planning Practice in India, Spatial Standards, Regional Survey, Plan Preparation Techniques. |
13. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE | Environmental Disruptions, Solid Waste Management. |
14. ELEMENTS OF ECONOMICS | Introduction to Urban and Regional Economics. |
16. UTILITIES AND SERVICES PLANNING | Introduction, Basic Concepts and Theories, Storm Water System, Sanitation and Sewer Systems, Water Supply System, Solid Waste Disposal. |
17. DEMOGRAPHY AND URBANISATION | Study of Population, Study of Demography, World Urbanisation and Urbanisation in India, Settlement Systems and Role of Urban Area, Policies and Strategies for Directing Urbanization Trends in India. |
18. TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION PLANNING-II | Evaluation of Urban Structures, Planning and Management of Transport System, Regional Transport Systems, Transport and Environment, Economic Evaluation and Transport Policies. |
19. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY PLANNING | Housing as a Basic Human Necessity, Housing Standards, Planning and Design of Housing Areas, Housing and Finance Policies. |
20. SETTLEMENT GEOGRAPHY | Introduction of Settlement Geography, Classification of Settlements, Rural Settlements, Urban Settlements. |
21. DEVELOPMENT PLANNING | Developed, Developing and Under-Developed Economics, Classical Theories of Development, Modern Theories of Development, Models of Development, Issues in Growth and Development. |
22. URBAN DESIGN AND CONSERVATION | Elements of Urban Design, Basic Principles of Conservation, Aspects of Urban Conservation. |
23. OPERATIONS RESEARCH AND SYSTEMS ANALYSIS/COMPUTER APPLICATION – III | Linear Programming Problems, Transportation Problems, Queuing Systems, PERT and CPM Networks, System Simulation. |
24. PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT OF INFORMAL SECTOR AND BASIC NEEDS | Basic Needs, Alternative Approaches for Delivery of Basic Services to the Urban Poor, Migratory Impulses and Impact on Informal Sector, Consequences of Spontaneous Growth. |
25. LANDSCAPE PLANNING AND DESIGN | Landscape Elements, Urban Landscape. |
26. ELEMENTS OF SETTLEMENT SOCIOLOGY | Basic Concepts of Society, Urban and Industrial Sociology, Neighbourhood Concept. |
28. RURAL AND RESOURCE PLANNING | Village Planning: Concepts and Institutional Framework, Rural Planning in Relation to National and Regional Policies, Resource Planning Development and Management, Community Development and Participation. |
29. URBAN MANAGEMENT | Legal Framework, Urban Management, Organisations Involved in Urban Management, Coordination of Participation. |
30. PROJECT PLANNING AND CONTROL | Introduction to Project Management. |
31. PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE | Role of Planner, Valuation, Methods of Real Property Valuation. |
32. PLANNING LEGISLATION | Concept of Law, Indian Constitution, Land Acquisition Act, Case Studies Related to Land Acquisition Act, Organisations for Plan Implementation. |
33. POLITICAL SYSTEMS AND PLANNING | Decision Making, Leadership, Communication, Political Systems, Social Systems and Planning, Conflicts. |
34. CITY AND METROPOLITAN PLANNING | Urban Growth and System of Cities, City – Region Linkages, Metro and Mega Cities : Problems and Issues, Human Settlement Planning and Urban Development, Urban Policies and Programmes. |
35. INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING | Water Supply and Sanitation, Solid Waste Disposal and Management, Fire and Electrification, Traffic and Transportation, Social Infrastructure. |
36. URBAN HERITAGE CONSERVATION | Introduction to Urban Heritage, Heritage Conservation |
38. INCLUSIVE URBAN PLANNING | UNDERSTANDING INCLUSIVE PLANNING, STAKEHOLDERS, Participatory Planning Process, Planning Interventions, Plans, Policies and Programmes, Legislation. |
39. PLANNING FOR TOURISM | Introduction to Tourism, Tourism sector – impacts, Planning for Tourism, Policies and Programmes. |
40. URBAN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT | Urban Development Management, Urban Reforms |
41. PROJECT PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT | Project Evaluation and Monitoring |
42. ENVIRONMENT, DEVELOPMENT AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT | Management, Disaster, Disaster Mitigation and Management |
43. URBAN GOVERNANCE | Overview of Urban Governance, Urban Local Governance, Participatory Process in Urban Governance. |
44. POLITICS AND PLANNING | Interface Between Politics and Planning, City and the State. |
45. ENERGY, CLIMATE CHANGE AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT | Energy planning and management, Plans, Policies and Strategies. |
46. DEVELOPMENT FINANCE | State and Municipal Finance, Financing Mechanism. |
47. LEGAL ISSUES AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE IN PLANNING | Understanding of Law, Planning Legislation, Professional Practice. |
48. PLANNING FOR REGIONS | Concepts and Typology of Regions, Regions in India and its planning, Future Regions |
49. REGIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE | Infrastructure Management: Planning Issues, Role and functions of Infrastructure in a Region |
50. PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE | Water, Sanitation, Solid Waste Management, Regional connectivity (Roads, Railways), Energy. |
51. SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE | Health, Education, Socio-Cultural and Recreational, Economic Infrastructure, Line Infrastructure, Expected Learning Outcome. |
52. DISTRICT PLANNING AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT | District Planning, Rural Planning and Development (Rural Area Planning, Rural Infrastructure Development), Changing Profile of the Rural areas of India, Inclusive Development, Participatory Planning Process. |
53. LAND MARKETS AND MANAGEMENT | Land Policy and Land Markets, Supply Side Management (Regulation in Land Markets, Land Utilisation, Land Management Techniques), Demand side Management. |
54. POVERTY & DEVELOPMENT | Understanding Poverty, Measures of poverty, Indicators of poverty, Rural Poverty, Urban Poverty, Policies and programmes. |
55. ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT | Environment and Development, Environmental Risks and Impact. Role of Institutions in Environment management, Disaster Preparedness, Prevention and Mitigation, Disaster Mitigation Planning and resource management, Disaster Education. |
56. PROJECT PLANNING | Introduction, Appraisal (Technical Appraisal, Financial Appraisal, Economic Appraisal, Social Appraisal, Commercial Aspects of Appraisal, Environmental Appraisal, Institutional Appraisal, Risk and Uncertainty), Methods of financing, Monitoring and Evaluation of projects & Practical Problem Solving, Expected Learning outcome. |
57. INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS AND GOVERNANCE | Planning Organisations, Decentralisation of Powers, Participatory Governance, Network Governance. |
58. LEGAL ISSUES IN PLANNING & PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE | Introduction, Concepts and Significance of Law, Indian Constitution and Evolution of Planning Legislation, Evolution of Planning Legislation, Policy, Acts and Laws, (Policy, Acts, Law), Significance of Land Development Control. |
59. RESETTLEMENT AND REHABILITATION (R&R) | Land Development and Resultant Resettlement, Impact of Resettlement and Rehabilitation Plan, Rehabilitation, Participation as an important tool for R & R. |
60. SPATIAL DATA INFRASTRUCTURE (SDI) | From Global to Local SDI applications, SDI application in Planning and Decision Support, PGIS, Technology in SDI and decision support system. |
61. POLITICS AND PUBLIC POLICY | State as a manager of resources, Politics of Provision, Public Policy, (Nature and Making of Public Policy, Public Policy Analysis, Public Policy and Management in the Information Age, Public policy Management and Delivery), Strategic Policy Planning, Sectoral Policy Analysis. |
For you are looking for all the things in a single place you should join our batch at KP Classes starting from 27th October 2023.
HPSC Assistant Town Planner (ATP) 2023 – New Batch
- Live online classes: Get quality video lectures on your device from India’s top faculty of Architecture and Planning.
- Recorded backup classes: Recording of live classes will be provided on our app in case if you miss any class.
- Comprehensive study material: Our Study material prepared specially on govt jobs related to architecture and planning will be help you to read all the important topics at single book set.
- Online test series: Practice with mock tests in our test series program for HPSC Assistant Town Planner to assess your preparation.
- Previous year papers: All the important PYQs will be provided by us in order to understand exam pattern of HPSC Assistant Town Planner (ATP) 2023.
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