UCEED Coaching: Top-Rated Preparation for Undergraduate Common Entrance Exam for Design
The Undergraduate Common Entrance Exam for Design (UCEED) is used to admit students to the Bachelor of Design (BDes) programmes at IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Hyderabad, and IIITDM Jabalp… See more
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The Undergraduate Common Entrance Exam for Design (UCEED) is used to admit students to the Bachelor of Design (BDes) programmes at IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Hyderabad, and IIITDM Jabalpur (UCEED). Many institutes accept the UCEED Score Card for admission to BDes programmes. The official UCEED website has a list of result-sharing institutes that use UCEED scores for admission to the B.Des programme. Candidates are recommended to study this entire text attentively as UCEED and BDes admissions are two separate activities. Only students who passed Class XII (or equivalent) in all subjects in 2023, or who are appearing in 2023 for the first time in ANY STREAM (Science, Commerce, or Arts & Humanities), are eligible to take UCEED 2023.
UCEED is a test center-based examination and has two parts: Part-A is computer-based and Part B contains question-related to sketching that needs to be attempted on the provided sheet. It is compulsory for the Candidate to attempt both the parts in the given time.
The total time for the examination (that includes both Part-A and Part-B) is THREE hours and it will be held as per the following schedule:
Tentative Day | January 2023 ( Third Sunday) |
Tentative Time | 09:00 am to 12:00 noon |
UCEED 2023 will be held in the following 24 cities in India only:
Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Dehradun, Delhi, Ernakulum, Panaji, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Kolkata, Kozhikode, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna, Pune, Raipur, Thiruvananthapuram, Thrissur, and Visakhapatnam.
Candidates should compulsorily opt for THREE cities of their choice, in the order of preference, at the time of online registration. Once the registration is complete, a request for a change of city will NOT be entertained
A candidate who is NOT citizen of India at the time of registering for UCEED 2023 (by birth or naturalization) and/or fallunderPIO/OCI category at the time of registering for UCEED 2023 is treated as foreign national. Seats allotted to foreign nationals are supernumerary with a cap of 10% of total available seats in the course, in order of merit. The availability of supernumerary seats will be announced at the time of seat allocation.
ForeignNationalsandOCI/PIO card-holders are outside the ambit of reservations [see RESERVATION POLICY in the following section].
However, qualifying in UCEED 2023 is a must for all candidates to apply for admission to the B.Des programmes at IITBombay, IIT-Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Hyderabad, and IIIT DM Jabalpur.
Indian nationals belonging to certain categories are admitted under the seats reserved for them in accordance with the rules of the Government of India. The categories and the extent of reservation are as follows:
- The category is chosen by a candid Day at the time of registration for UCEED 2023 will be final for the exam and admissions.
- Candidates belonging to the EWS, OBC-NCL, SC, ST, and PwD categories will be declared as qualified on the basis of are laxed criterion
- The candidate must note that the benefit of reservation will be given to the subject to verification of documents at the appropriate stage. I fit is discovered at any stage that a candidate has used false/fake/invalid/incorrect document, or has furnished false, incorrect, or incomplete information, in order to avail the benefit of reservation, then such a candidate shall be excluded from all admission processes. In case such a candidate has already been given admission, then the admission shall stand canceled.
- If the PwD certificate is not valid and the candidate has availed the compensatory time and/or availed the services of an amanuensis, s/he cannot be rolled back to the OPENcategory. His/her candidature will be canceled.
- If a category certificate is not valid then the candidacy will be rolled back to GEN if the candidate meets the qualifying requirements for a category. If he/she does not meet the qualifying/eligibility requirement of a GEN category candidacy then his/her candidature will be canceled. The seat allotted (if any)will be canceled. In case such a candidate has already been given admission, then the admissions hall stands is canceled.
- Each candidate must submit a valid and up Day certificate while submitting his/her application for BDes admission to avail reservation. Seat allocation will be based on the All India Rank (merit order), reservation category, and seat availability in each institute at the time of seat allocation.
- Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) – 10% of seats. EWS certificates issued only from April 1, 2023, onwards are accepted.
- Other Backward Classes belonging to the Non-Creamy Layer (OBC-NCL) – 27% of seats in the course. The name of the backward class should be in the current central list of OBCs (www.ncbc.nic.in). OBCs present in the state list, but not covered in the central list will not be entitled to claim the benefit of reservation. OBC-NCL certificates issued only from April1, 2023 onwards are accepted for the examination.
- All Candidates must ensure that they possess valid and up to Day certificates at the time of applying for admission to any of these programs.
- Scheduled Caste(SC) – 15% of seats in the course.
- Scheduled Tribe(ST) – 7.5% of seats in the course.
- Candidates belonging to the creamy layer of OBC are NOT entitled to reservation. Such candidates are treated as belonging to the Open (i.e., unreserved)category.
- The benefit of reservation will be given only to those castes and tribes that are mentioned in their respective central list of corresponding states published by the Government of India. (http://socialjustice.nic.in/UserView/PrintUserView?mid=76750and https://tribal.nic.in/ST/LatestListofScheduledtribes.pdf).
- PwD Candidate – 5% reservations for PwD Candidate, which will be horizontal. Candidates with benchmark disabilities as per RPwD Act 2016 are eligible for reservation in this category.
- Unfilled seats in the OCBC – NCL category can be allotted to OPEN category candidates during the counseling if there are no more qualified OBC-NCL Candidates on the applicant list, subject to the availability of rounds of seat allocation.
- SeatsremainingvacantundertheSCandSTcategoriesshallNOTbeallottedto Candidate belonging to other categories.
- There are no spot rounds of admissions in IITs, after completing the counseling. IIITDM Jabalpur may conduct a spot round of admissions at the institutional level if there are any vacant seats after completion of the counselling.
Foreign nationals (including OCI/PIO card holders) are outside the ambit of reservation of seats under the EWS, OBC-NCL, SC, ST, and PwD categories as specified herein.SeatsallottedtoforeignnationalsincludingOCI(OverseasCitizenof India)/PIO (PeopleofIndianOrigin)card-holders are supernumerary with a cap of 10% of total seats in a program. For being considered for seat allocation, a foreign national Candidate should be in the AIR (All India Rank) and satisfy all the eligibility requirements meant for an OPEN category candidate. Seat allocation to foreign national Candidates is carried out after the seat allocation of all Indian national Candidates is completed(in the same round). A seat in an institute will be allotted to a foreign national candidate if his/her rank is the same or better than the closing rank of the OPEN category candidate in that academic program, subject to the 10% cap on seats mentioned above, in order of merit.
A candidate, including a foreign national, must simultaneously fulfill each and every one of the following three criteria to appear in UCEED 2023.
Criterion 1 – Age limit:
The candidate should have been born on or after October 1, 1997, if belonging to the OPEN/EWS/OBC-NCL category and born on or after October 1, 1992, if belonging to the SC, ST, or PwD category.
Criterion 2 – Number of attempts:
A candidate can attempt UCEED a maximum of two times and that too in consecutive years. Note that the UCEED score is valid for one year, and only for admissions in the same corresponding academic year.
Criterion 3 – Qualifying examination:
The candidate should have passed all subjects in the qualifying examination (Class XII or equivalent) in 2023 OR should be appearing for the qualifying examination for the first time in 2023 in order to be eligible for attempting UCEED 2023. Students from ALL STREAMS (Science, Commerce, and Arts & Humanities) are eligible.
Those who appeared for the first time in their qualifying examination (Class XII) in 2021 or earlier are NOT eligible.
- Final examination of the 10+2 system, conducted by a Central or State Board recognized by the Association of Indian universities.
- Intermediate or two-year Pre-University examination conducted by a Board or University recognized by the Association of Indian Universities(www.aiu.ac.in).
- Final examination of the two-year course of the Joint Services Wing of the National Defence Academy.
- Senior Secondary School Examination conducted by the National Institute of Open Schooling with a minimum of five subjects.
- Any Public School, Board, or University examination in India or in a foreign country is recognized as equivalent to the 10+2 system by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU).
- H.S.C. vocational examination.
- A diploma recognized by the All India Council for Technical Education (www.aicte- india.org) or a State Board of Technical Education of at least THREE years duration.
- General Certificate Education (GCE) examination (London, Cambridge, or Sri Lanka) at the Advanced (A) level.
- High School Certificate Examination of the Cambridge University or international BaccalaureateDiplomaoftheInternationalBaccalaureateOffice, Geneva.
- The candidate who has completed Class XII (or equivalent) examination outside India or from a Board not specified above should produce a certificate from the association of Indian Universities to the effect that the examination they have passed is equivalent to the Class XIIexamination.
In case the Class XII examination is not a public examination, the candidate must have already passed at least one public (Board or Pre-University) examination before appearing for UCEED
- Candidate should register for appearing in UCEED 2023. Registration can be done ONLY through the online registration portal linked from www.uceed.iitb.ac.in.
- The candidate should simultaneously satisfy ALL the THREE eligibility criteria
- Registration will be canceled if, at a later Day, it is found that the candidate does NOT meet any of the three eligibility criteria.
- The registration fee is NEITHER refundable NORtransferable.
- It will be the sole responsibility of the candidate to provide the correct information regarding the qualifying exam and category and upload the VALID documents in the required formats in the registration form. Registration forms, incomplete in any way, will be summarily rejected and the registration will be considered invalid.
- The admitting institutes have the right to cancel, at any stage, the admission of a candidate in accordance with their rules and regulations in force, if it is found that any information provided by the candidate is incorrect or the registration is incomplete.
Detailed instructions for the online registration will be provided on the registration portal.
Online registration portal | www.uceed.iitb.ac.in |
Tentative Start Time | September, 2023 |
Tentative End Time (with regular fee) | October, 2023 |
Tentative End Time(with late fee) | October, 2023 |